Friday, December 5, 2008

Counting Down the Days Until Our Peanut is Two

I recently added a birthday counter to our blog for Mihret. It's counting down the days to her second birthday on Jan. 28, 2009. Due to the way our blog is configured, it fit best at the very bottom, so to see it, scroll all the way down to the end of the page.

Check out the counters you can make at, from birthday counters and adoption counters to wedding and anniversary counters. There's even a "Trying to Conceive" counter, although I'm not even going to pretend to understand how that one works. (I wish we had known how to access these during our adoption process... filing that mental note away for next time. :) )

For some nostalgia... Here are a few pics of Mihret right around her 1st birthday last year.

Mihret visiting our home library...

On top of her Abaye's shoulders, one of her favorite places to hang out ...

And in her Emaye's lap, trying very hard to give Emaye's Newsweek a bottle.

Time flies so fast. Pretty soon we'll be putting up 2-year-old pictures.


1 comment:

JourneyToNumberThree said...

AWWWWW, too cute. Doesn't time go by so fast???